About us

We are concerned citizens who want to make positive differences in our world. Our main focus is to identify problems all over our world and provide suggested solutions. We are businessmen and women, professionals, politicians, military veterans, and long-serving members of our nation and communities.

We are too divided by too many petty things. We believe it is time we begin an honest conversation. Our focus is to establish a better relationship among black, white, yellow, red, rich, poor, law enforcers, law-bidding citizens, and religious groups. All our problems are centered in the areas outlined above. We must begin to realize that we are all the same species. No person is better or smarter because of his or her color/race. We may be different in some ways. It is not because of our race. It is, rather, because of our environments.

The Police are here to protect the people, and the people must respect and obey the lawful orders of the Police. And the Police need to treat everybody equally with respect and dignity. So if we can do that very simple thing, we can solve the Police and the people’s interaction problems.

We, religious people, because of our actions, really make other people wonder about faith or even God. How can we all be the sons and daughters of the same God, and we are so divided by our beliefs in the same God and his instructions to the extent that we discriminate, torture, and even kill in the name of the same God we worship. Does it make any sense, people?

There is nowhere in the bible or the Koran it states to discriminate, torture, and kill because of our disagreements. So if we can learn to be respectful and fair, we could discover a whole new area of our world.

We will advocate for our military veterans. They fight for us, they put their lives, limbs, mental-emotional wellness at risk to ensure that we Americans at home are safe from foreign threats. When they come home, we should repay them for their sacrifices by ensuring that they are able to live in a proper standard of health and dignity.

Our goal is to go to places to conduct live seminars for the Police and the public. We believe the best ways to solve crimes are when the law enforcers and the community work together respectfully and justly on both sides. We will also focus our efforts on the third-world countries by encouraging the citizens of those countries to create a bloc to help their motherlands as well. In addition, We will advocate for dual citizenship on behalf of those in the diaspora with their respective countries’ leaders. 

We believe everyone deserves a chance to the basic living standard, which we all shall be graving for. We are on a mission. We are asking you to join the cause by signing up to become a member free of charge.

By giving your opinion on the blog page and donating whatever you can to maintain the website and other activities, you say you care. Together we can do more!

***Please be advised some of the pictures may not be suitable for children to view. “Viewers discretion is advised.” Most materials and videos are courtesy of their source. If you are the source and don’t want to see the materials or videos displayed on this website, don’t hesitate to contact us at 407 383 6181. Text is also welcome any day anytime or emails us at info@Lebloc.com***

Office- 407-843-8997


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