Let’s be honest, my friends: We, as black people, have not done enough to solve our problems. We are waiting for someone else from a different race to solve our problems. When in fact, We are the only people with the greatest influence to solve our problems. If we are unable to see, unable to forecast, unable to analyze the pros and cons, unable to forgive, unable to do what is right for the majority even if our own interest is in the minority, then we need to look ourselves up in the mirror. We are the problems, and surely only we can be the solutions.
Yes, somebody can influence you. But it is up to you to take the necessary steps to change your life. Africa is one of the wealthiest continents in the world in terms of natural resources. Many countries in Africa contain rich reserves of valuable minerals like coltan, diamonds, gold, bauxite, and other valuable commodities like oil, gas, and timber. Yet, Africa is the poorest continent in terms of living standards.
Click this link to read more about Africa
Now, let’s look at Haiti. The situation in Haiti has many phases and many players with their own personal interests but never the interest of Haiti and its people in mind. Some of them are the sons and daughters of Haiti, and others are in the international communities.
We, Haitians/Haitian Americans and Haitian descendants, must understand that the task before us is enormous. However, the solutions are within reach. We are so many and capable in many ways. Once we have come to that conclusion, a new positive course will be born in Haiti.
We will be able to redesign the course of history and let the whole world know Haiti was the first country to call for LIBERTY, EQUALITY, and FRATERNITY for all humankind.
Because of the Haitians positions in early 1800 hundred on human rights, to some countries, it was an insult on the White Colonial Republics to have a black country like Haiti that dog-tired many White Colonial Armies to gain its independence by force- also to have had the influence all over Latin America, in the USA, and the invasion/occupation of the Dominican Republic in early 1800 hundred. So a lot of countries did not like the idea of a new Dominant Black Haitian Republic.
Folks, my fellow Haitians, my fellow Americans black and white, my fellow world communities, this is the price Haiti is paying for the above subject matters. Instability in a country will automatically cause chaos in the economy and all other facets of the nation’s ability to provide, protect its resource, and defend its people. Therefore, since 1804, many countries’ policies have been to destroy the work and legacy of the Haitians Forefathers who believed in a greater Haiti. Unfortunately, many of us sons and daughters of Haiti have facilitated that to happen.
Today, We are calling on all Haitians, Friends of Haitians, and all nations to look forward to brighter and stronger relationships with Haiti. We must learn from the past. However, we shall not live in the past. This is a new ERA. It’s “A TIME TO ACT.” Let’s form a BLOC to lift Haiti up, let’s form a bloc to curb poverty once and for all every and anywhere in our world, let’s form a bloc to make literacy a new world order, and, finally, let’s form a bloc so we can come to our senses: Killing, violence, destruction, and terrorism acts will not solve our problems. It is A Time To Act differently if we truly want to save Haiti.
The members of Lebloc are working to do their parts. Visit for more information on how you too can do your part.