Most black countries, especially in Africa, are inadequate. The same problem exists in Haiti and Afghanistan. The common denominator is a lack of education. Education is the most important weapon we need to combat poverty, said Nelson Mandela.
Here is part of HAITI NOW. Is that all we can do? click on this link to see for yourself https:
We must change our political structure. Most Haitian politicians, if not all of them, only have one thing in mind: becoming rich and richer. They don’t care about the poor people that they suppose to serve and protect. The Poor people are easily bought and manipulated. They will do anything and everything for the politicians.
The problems in Haiti are not only the mulattoes, the rich, or foreign countries. The problems are the politicians who do not care for their own people. If they pass laws, the executive branch enforces the laws and the judges interpret the laws; everybody must follow the laws, including the mulattoes, and the rich people.
Everybody would pay their fair share of taxes. Then, the government should use tariffs to provide better services for the people. That is a straightforward equation to solve.
Every developed country follows this formula; it works for them. It will work for Haiti as well.
Haiti must have a federal government and local governments.
On the federal level: A president with a vice president are elected together. No such thing as the prime Minister to be changing all the time. That is a game. The president is elected together with the vice President. The president will nominate the ministers, and the representatives will confirm or reject them within a speedy time.
Haiti needs only three representatives from each department or state, whichever we want to call it. That is it, no Senators or Deputies.
We must have dual CITIZENSHIPS NOW without delay.
Military force is vital for Haiti for many reasons: a) geographical location, b) as required per the constitution, c) Haiti took its independence by force, d) Haiti must become an important ally in America. e) Haiti is the mother of democracy. We cannot hold that title without a strong and powerful military force. When disaster strikes a country, the police force is not equipped to respond in full gear. The military can. World War III is looming. The Dominican Army will invade Haiti in a split second without a solid military force. Let’s think ahead, people.
Requirements to join the military:
Must be 18 years old, must be a high school graduate, must pass an aptitude and background tests. It must be an all-volunteer force, and all public schools must have an ROTC program within the school. ROTC stands for Reserve Officers Training Corps. Now, some countries claim that Haiti does not need a military force. Why do they have one? Who is going to protect our coastlines and our borders with the Dominican Republic? Who is going to protect the country’s national resources? Why should we put our defense in someone else’s hands? WAKE
UP, HAITIANS!!!! We need an educated military and police force.
I would begin with 40,000 members, including 5,000 active reserves, 20,000 inactive ready reserves, 500 LIKE (CIA), 500 LIKE (FBI), 1,000 special unit members to include engineers, doctors, nurses, firefighters, electricians, mechanics, and heavy equipment operators, 8,000 regular police force, and 3,000 special unit members with combat readiness expertise, and the remaining 2,000 can be divided into Coast Guard, infantry units, and Air Force. Remember, we can always tap on the Reservists if needed.
Projecting costs:$250,000,000 (U.S. dollars). Because our Haitian money keeps going up and down, I could not use it as an example to explain the monetary value in real time.
Where do we get the money? Property taxes. Let’s assume that there are 1 million homes and parcels of land in Haiti at an average of $400 yearly for property taxes. One million homes x $400 (AVERAGE) = $400,000,000 only on property taxes, Payroll taxes, tourism, business taxes, new tolls systems, plates/tags for vehicles, customs agencies, and any other outlets we can collect funds from without begging other countries for help.
An independent country cannot keep begging other countries for help. We must make our own money and spend our own money on our people as we see fit.
Let’s stop the nonsense, guys. Let’s get real. If Haiti is safe, over 1,000,000 (million) Haitians and other visitors could visit Haiti yearly. If we begin to promote Haiti worldwide, Haiti can make an average of $100 for each person in taxes alone while on vacation. That would equal $100,000,000. Wake up, Haitians. You are sleeping. Yes, we can do it.
Building viable infrastructures: Electricity must be available 24 hours a day everywhere, Roads, bridges, mass-transit systems, air control towers, telephone lines, and cell phone towers. Make Haiti a safe place for any investors who may wish to invest in Haiti.
Notary publics must go to jail and pay a stiff fine for knowingly selling properties to more than one buyer. Sellers must go to jail and pay the penalty for deliberately falsifying documents or making false statements to sell the same property to more than one buyer. People who forcefully taking other people’s property must go to jail and pay the maximum penalty.
Without delay, Haitians in the Diaspora must begin to organize themselves. Most Haitians in the Diaspora are tired of the political situation in Haiti. Therefore, they keep themselves at a distance. I am calling on the Diaspora to begin a movement now by creating an international organization: It is estimated that there are four million. Haitians in the Diaspora. Let’s begin to organize. Let’s form a bloc in each region, state, or country. If only two million out of the four million of us are committed to changing Haiti. We can do it. Read my book: A Time to Act Black History Matters, especially chapter 5, to see how we together, not me or one person, we together, can build a strong, vibrant Haiti on all cylinders.
Let’s do something.