Hello, please take a moment to create an account; it is free. Your contribution and your participation will help this movement achieve its objectives.
Lebloc’s goal is to unite Haitians to build a new Haiti on a solid foundation. The best way to do that we, in the diaspora, need to begin to organize ourselves by creating a massive organization instead of having a bunch of small organizations. We are mighty in the diaspora. Let’s demonstrate it to the world so we can save Haiti. We need to stop looking in the rear mirror. Instead, let’s begin to look in front of us so we can see the road ahead. We shall learn from the past, but we must not keep living in the past.
What is missing among us is the commitment to save Haiti. Call your friends today as I am calling mine. Lets’ begin on the journey to save Haiti. Let’s form a massive organization with headquarters in a place of our choosing. It is unscientifically estimated that there are 3.5 Million Haitians in the diaspora. There are more if we count our kids as well. Suppose half of us would commit to changing Haiti.
We could be a massive organization with about 2 million members. Let’s create a board executive, a board administrative, and a board investigative. We are the army and have what it takes to make it happen, but we are afraid to commit to it because of the past and accumulative excuses. This is a new era. Let’s join hands and create strong bylaws that will govern the organization. Let’s put capable people in charge. Let’s overcome the attitude it cannot be done. Yes, we can do it if we have laws within the organization that will punish bad actors severely.
Imagine an army of two million people with a common cause. We would be so big no one would dare mess with us. Our votes would be our weapons, and every politician would need us. If each of us would contribute $100.00 a year, imagine if we could have the law in order like in every other organization, business, or country. An annual budget of $200,000,000.00 and expand from there. Imagine how we could truly lobby for Haiti, help transform Haiti on a solid foundation, and establish the respect we deserve. Two million members with $200,000,000.00 become an army that must be recognized and respected. That is within reach, but some of us look for every reason not to engage or participate.
The work begins as follow:
1) Agriculture. Haiti needs to reorganize the Agricultural System.
2) School is necessary for any country to have a well-cultured society. Therefore, Haiti must endeavor for a 100% literacy rate.
3) Creole Official Language: Most Haitians do not speak French. French should be a second language.
4) Dual Citizenship is crucial because too many qualified Haitians live abroad.
5) Military Force is vital for Haiti for many reasons: a) geographical location and b) as required per the constitution. c) Haiti took its independence by force, and d) Haiti must become an essential ally in America. When disaster strikes a country, the police force is not equipped enough to respond in full gear. The military can if it is well equipped.
6) Building Viable Infrastructures: Roads, Bridges, Mass-Transit Systems, International Airports, Air Traffic Control Towers, Telephone lines, and Cell phone Towers.
7) Open Haiti for business and provide securities for foreign and domestic investors
8) Rewrite the constitution, protect it against Coup D’etat and institute deaf penalty or hard labor.
9) Haiti Needs a president with a vice president, three representatives for each State/department on the federal level, and a governor in each state/department with their council members.
10) Haiti needs only three pollical parties: Conservative Party, Liberal Party, and Independent Party.
If we genuinely want to transform Haiti, we must think big. We don’t have the luxury of playing politics while the country is falling apart. We need to catch up. Read my book A Time to Act, Black History Matters, for more ideas. Then, we can create a new Haiti together on all cylinders. Yes, we can do it.
Hello, please take a moment to create an account; it is free. Your contribution and your participation will help this movement achieve its objectives.
Lebloc’s goal is to unite Haitians to build a new Haiti on a solid foundation. The best way to do that we, in the diaspora, need to begin to organize ourselves by creating a massive organization instead of having a bunch of small organizations. We are mighty in the diaspora. Let’s demonstrate it to the world so we can save Haiti. We need to stop looking in the rear mirror. Instead, let’s begin to look in front of us so we can see the road ahead. We shall learn from the past, but we must not keep living in the past.
What is missing among us is the commitment to save Haiti. Call your friends today as I am calling mine. Let’s begin on the journey to save Haiti. Let’s form a massive organization with headquarters in a place of our choosing. It is unscientifically estimated that there are 3.5 Million Haitians in the diaspora. There are more if we count our kids as well. Suppose half of us would commit to changing Haiti. We could be a massive organization with about 2 million members. Let’s create a board executive, a board administrative, and a board investigative. We are the army and have what it takes to make it happen, but we are afraid to commit to it because of the past and accumulative excuses. This is a new era. Let’s join hands and create strong bylaws that will govern the organization. Let’s put capable people in charge. Let’s overcome the attitude it cannot be done. Yes, we can do it if we have laws within the organization that will punish bad actors severely.
Imagine an army of two million people with a common cause. We would be so big no one would dare mess with us. Our votes would be our weapons, and every politician would need us. If each of us would contribute $100.00 a year, imagine if we could have the law in order like in every other organization, business, or country. An annual budget of $200,000,000.00 and expand from there. Imagine how we could truly lobby for Haiti, help transform Haiti on a solid foundation, and establish the respect we deserve. Two million members with $200,000,000.00 become an army that must be recognized and respected. That is within reach, but some of us look for every reason not to engage or participate.
The work begins as follows:
1) Agriculture. Haiti needs to reorganize the Agricultural System.
2) School is necessary for any country to have a well-cultured society. Therefore, Haiti must endeavor for a 100% literacy rate.
3) Creole Official Language: Most Haitians do not speak French. French should be a second language.
4) Dual Citizenship is crucial because too many qualified Haitians live abroad.
5) Military Force is vital for Haiti for many reasons: a) geographical location and b) as required per the constitution. c) Haiti took its independence by force, and d) Haiti must become an essential ally in America. When disaster strikes a country, the police force is not equipped enough to respond in full gear. The military can if it is well equipped.
6) Building Viable Infrastructures: Roads, Bridges, Mass-Transit Systems, International Airports, Air Traffic Control Towers, Telephone lines, and Cell phone Towers.
7) Open Haiti for business and provide securities for foreign and domestic investors
8) Rewrite the constitution, protect it against Coup D’etat, and institute deaf penalty or hard labor.
9) Haiti Needs a president with a vice president or prime Minister elected together, three representatives for each State/department on the federal level, and a governor in each state/department with their council members and mayors.
10) Haiti needs only three pollical parties: Conservative Party, Liberal Party, and Independent Party.
If we genuinely want to transform Haiti, we must think big. We don’t have the luxury of playing politics while the country falls apart. We need to catch up. Read this book, A Time to Act, Black History Matters. It is cheap, only $5.99 for audio or e-book. You will learn much about Haitian History and the United Nations Deployments that have caused many problems in black countries, including how to become a successful real investor. We can create a new Haiti on all cylinders. Yes, we can do it. Let’s do it. Sign up at www.lebloc.us. It is free to sign up and buy the book for $5.99 to find out what we must do.
We need to build a strong international organization in the diaspora that will represent a force on all cylinders to build a new Haiti on a solid foundation.

30% of this book revenue will be donated to lebloc Corporation and other viable organizations that are truly working to make a difference in haiti.
A Time To Act !
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